Archive for November, 2008

I’m for gay marriage.

November 18, 2008

Yes, I’m for gay marriage, so if you are not, you can stop reading now, or tell me how you are very offended by my views. But you know, we live in America, and this is the land of the free! We also have freedom of speech, so yes, you can say you are for or against something without fear of reprisal. This is freedom of speech.

Also, some people feel this is not traditional; well, why does everyone have to be traditional? Are we so afraid to tell our children about more than one way of life? Are our children not capable of thinking of different points of view, and then making their own decisions?

My son is eight, and when I told him about Prop 8, his basic response was that’s dumb; why does marriage have to be only between a man and a woman. I completely agree, and I think it’s long time that same sex couples have the same rights as married couples have. Let us not revert to the time when we did not allow mixed race marriages, where we did not allow people of different races to marry, solely based on the color of the skin.

What did Martin Luther King, Jr. say? Something like he wanted his children to be able to live in a country where they were not judged by the color of the skin. I’m for that too, and I think that freedom includes not judging people by their sexual orientation. Who are they hurting? It’s not like they are forcing babies to smoke crack on railroad tracks when a train is coming! They just want to get married. Let’s let them! đŸ™‚